Or maybe, they're concerned because they don't know what biases the MCom might be hiding? They might also be cranky to have their writing skills continually disparaged by the Merriweather supporters such as yourself, Laura. smile

And I do find it highly entertaining to see you guys go from accusing the K-Com of being too secretive to championing a completely anonymous group. goofy

I'll repeat -- even if the Merriweathers are run by people I dislike, I still think it's a great idea to have a different sort of awards/critiquing process. The only concern would be whether the MCom -- whoever they are -- will be able to run things in an unbiased fashion. I hope so. But anonymity means unaccountability, and can be abused.

Btw, Laura, you might want to check with Cindy again; back when she first started posting as Ann Nonymous, you assured us that it couldn't be her, because you were her best friend and would know. smile