Okay, this is really off topic and I'm going to be quiet after this, I promise... wink

But Sue! Awww, you're killing me girl! mecry But whose team lost to the RAIDERS last week, hmmm? I mean - the RAIDERS - come on -- cough*Steelers*cough (no offense of course to you Raider fans out there - I'm just picking on Sue...) wink Love ya Sue...

Okay, and to get my post back on topic...

I think there should be a category again this year for "Best Revelation" - I believe that category was in there last year (wasn't it?) and has probably been in there many times before... but dang, we've had some awesome revelation scenes this year.

<DJ slinks off to join Sue - and smack her with her 'terrible towel' wink >

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.