Okay, I'm not Sue, Yvonne, but I'll answer this since I was in on the joke...

It's a football thing. Pittsburgh Steelers fans have this bright yellow-orange towel that they wave at games to cheer on their team. I don't know a true, hardcore, Steeler fan who doesn't own a Terrible Towel. (I'm sure Sue can give you a better explanation of the origins of the towel - I'm just providing the basic explanation wink )

-- DJ <who is going to stitch an arrowhead on Sue's Terrible Towel> angel-devil

P.S. - JoMurf - your Bears *are* fabulous! "Da Bears" - they just had an off day. Everyone can have an off day... but yes, Miami? ahem... wink

Oh and back on topic, how about another category suggestion? (It's probably been done before, but...) Best Cliffhanger? You know, stories that had a chapter or part in them that was just the absolute best Cliffhanger? The ones that made you want to *gasp* - heaven forbid - skip ahead to find out what happened, and then go back and read through. laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.