Ooh! I know! It's ML Thompson's awesome
The People vs Clark Kent !
Okay, try this one!
Because of my differences, I have often felt apart from the
world. But I've never felt so apart from it as I do now. How can
I feel otherwise when I cannot touch anything? If I do, I will
destroy all the things I love.
I can never again run my hands against the bark of a tree, run
my fingers through the fur of a cat or dog, touch the smooth,
worn pebbles on a beach... I can never do any of those tiny
things we all take for granted.
I'm trying to concentrate on the tiny things because, while I'm
thinking about them, I can't think about the bigger picture.
That's the theory, anyway.
Pity it doesn't work in practice.
I will never again be able to hug my parents.
I will never hold Lois, the woman I love.
I think that is what hurts me the most.
No. I *know* that is what hurts me the most.