Tea Totaled by Annie M and Kathy Brown. A super fantastic drunk-Lois fic.
Next one ...
"And the daydream was about?" she asked, her voice becoming
soft and drowsy.
"Nothing very exciting," he shrugged. "Just you and me
walking out onto my terrace ... talking."
Lois grinned. "Was I wearing burgundy?"
"No." Clark had to laugh. Even drowsy and still buzzing a
bit from too much wine, Lois wouldn't let it go. "Maybe a
combination of a lot of things I've seen your wear."
"Formal? Business?"
Clark laughed again. "I don't know. Kind of like what
you're wearing, but longer..."
"Sort of a cocktail dress."
"And looser."
"Looser? How?"
Clark began to blush. "Well, at the top it ... the dress
kind of ..."
"Ah," Lois smiled. "It was low cut and not terribly ...
Clark's face was on fire. "Yes."
"I didn't happen to bend forward in the daydream, did I?"
"Only when you set the champagne glasses down," he said,
feeling very awkward. "Oh, but I wasn't looking at them!"