Oh, oh, oh. I know this one! It's
Fugue II: Fusion by Shayne Terry Great story. Oh, by the way, part one is
Fugue Be back in a minute with a new quote.
Okay, new quote:
The crack of the gunshot echoed around the square. The punch of
impact pushed her and she screamed. She scarcely had time to
realise that it was not the bullet which had hit her body, but
an arm pulling her to... safety? The ground rushed away from
her. Instinctively, she screamed again, this time louder than
before. Then, with indignation, she cried, "Let me go!"
"I don't think you'd want me to do that," a warm voice said
lightly. "We're fifty feet off the ground. Besides, you
wouldn't really want our friendly neighbourhood assassin to
finish off what he started, would you?"
Fifty feet!
Instinctively she glanced down, towards her feet. She took in
the way they were flailing about in the air, the way the trees
and tarmac below were rushing past in a grey and green blur.
For a moment she was too stunned to think, let alone to do or
say anything. However, her paralysis was fleeting and soon
thoughts were tumbling through her head. She was in the arms of
someone who could fly! Who was it? Why was he doing it? How had
he known to grab her at that critical moment? *How* was he
doing it?