In effect you wouldn't be rewriting the series episodes, but merely writing new fics loosely based on some of the incidents in those episodes.

Many of the 'interaction' points in the early episodes was dependant on Lois' perception of who Clark was and how her opinion of him changes. It is also dependant on her not knowing about the Superman part of him. This would have already been settled in the early days of their marriage. There is no way that Clark would keep this secret from Lois if they were married, especially if they had a kid.

Seasons 3 and 4 might be easier since you have them as a couple and the 'conditions' of the plotlines would be more easily alined with who they are now.

Having said that, if anyone wants to try their hand at rewriting any of the episodes given this or a slightly modified version (like no kid!)of this pre-history, I'm sure that there would be many gentle readers willing to give those fics a try.

The scope of redoing the whole 4 years of episodes is pretty daunting, but by leaving this particular universe open to all comers, who knows, maybe after a few years all the episodes will be covered... or not.

Tank (who figures that since Lois and Clark will have gotten together earlier that Lois will have had the good sense to cut her hair earlier too wink )