Carol made this Star Wars reference:

{kid could be adopted by Lex Luthor and Ariana Carlin, maybe? or Tim and Amber Lake, named Luke, thus giving Clark the chance to 20 years on use that very famous line... plus provide the rationale for him to don the black spandex plus black cape)
I like the idea of Clark telling him "Luke, I am your father!" but the thought of someone naming a kid Luke Lake makes my teeth itch. He'd never make it through high school with all the teasing he'd have to endure.

Other than that, this idea sounds very interesting, but I'm going to have to be an eager reader and not a participant. If it happens, it's going to take a long time to outline everything and blue-sky all the changes and permutations along the way. I don't envy anyone that opportunity to suffer for art's sake.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing