I don't see it working if you have them marry young. Not only would none of the things you mention happened but LEX LUTHOR would never happen. Lois wouldn't never go after him the way she did in the Pilot episode.
No she wouldn't. But if you think about it, in S1, *he* was pursuing *her*. At first, she just wanted an interview. I figure Lex would have no qualms about being a would-be home-wrecker, and possibly the same goes for Cat. Or even Claude, if the stepped-on butterfly means he's still at the Planet.

As for Superman: when I first startd cooking this idea, (and bear in mind I got stuck in the first 'episode' razz ), I saw them as having kept Clark low-key, until the new job* prompted Lois' remark about a change of clothes.

*I was thinking that, having taken longer to get through school, Lois would be new to the Planet. This is why I got stuck; I couldn't get her hired *and* into the action in an order that made sense.

Miranda could be a problem. But then, problems can be solved. laugh Doesn't Clark wonder *why* Lois sent their ten-year-old to the movie theater with a hundred dollars and no adult? wink Or, something else. You decide.

I see the kid as central to this version, mostly because it is a concept I'm a sucker for. goofy Also, the shotgun wedding could be a plot-point, as in SLaV and CotOC, like I mentioned. But of course, if you are inspired to do something similar with a different concept, then of course, by all means, do what you will. cool

The point is that Lois and Clark's dynamic is different, but all external circumstances are the same.


1. Pilot - Luthor and Baines are still sabotaging the messenger. Lois and/or Clark may be new to the planet, but they know each other.

2. Smart Kids - "Honey, meet your new sister."

3. PML - Luthor falls in 'love' with Lois Lane Kent. The Earth trembles.

4. ToGoM - Clark has been shot in a room full of people. Lois must play the grieving widow, and explain to their 11-year-old why Daddy can't come home.

We could take it one season at a time, I suppose--hash out the details of each episode, and so on.
