No rotten tomatoes here! I love this story! And Rachel is just adorable!

I'm so happy that L&C got to foster Rachel. I can't wait to see how Rachel and Clark interact, is should be interesting. The one thing that I kept thinking of through the story was 'when is Rachel going to get Aimee back?' I felt so sorry for her in the hospital when she thought that Aimee had been taken away from her because she loved her too much. mecry

Lois panicing about Rachel coming to live with them was just so Lois! laugh As much as I want everything to be happily ever after now that Rachel is with L&C, I hope we can see some troubles on the home front, with Rachel trying to adjust to somewhere safe, Lois trying to adjust to a child and Rachel trying to adjust to Clark.


"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at