Well y'all,
First I have to thank y'all for hanging in through my rather erratic posting schedule. Chapter 5 is in the capable hands of my beta readers, while Chapter 6 sits half-finished on my hard drive. <G> I should be able to post Chapter 5 sometime this week, and I can hopefully finish writing Chapter 6...
Frankly, I'm hoping to wrap this up before it turns into another epic trilogy. <g> There will, of course, be room for a sequel if anyone wants to bother to read it.
Right now, this will be going to seven parts and an epilogue. <G> Since these posts have been double, and sometimes triple length of my usuals, any more and it'll end up as a full-fledged novel.
Thank you Shadow, Melisma, Loriel, Tricia, Pam, Liz, Merry, Jenni, Ja-10, Robin, and Maria. Chapter Five coming soon.