Originally posted by amciotola:
You guys have a lot of great one liners here. Has anyone started a poll to narrow it down?
We're still in the brainstorming stage. Until we had an ETA for the Fundraiser, I was just going to keep it open for brainstorming. Then make a poll closer to the Fundraiser date to narrow down the ideas.
I think Sara Kraft will be taking point on this particular part of the fundraising.
When I do the poll should I have it be "Choose your top three favorites from the list" type thing? I don't know how many slogans we need, but I doubt there's a one-size fits all slogan. Before creating a poll, I can make a final list and allow proofing (by those Grammar-philes) and error checks (i.e. Hey! You forget this one! or You know, this would sound better like this...).
As a mom, I rarely spend any money on myself (outside of occasional DVD or book or necessary piece of clothing), so this is a great way to do something for ME! I mean, for the good of the FoLC Message Boards.