Is "All of the above and then some" a valid answer?

It's kind of exciting to see how similar some of my tastes in books are to the other people on theses boards. Yay!
I'll just do a quick run-back-through of the ones already listed that are on my favorites and then see what new ones I should add:
Lord of the Rings - really just read them for the first time back before the first movie came out, but I LOVED them.
The Chronicles of Narnia - count me in as another who loves them - although I guess I'm just a stickler for order, it makes me feel weird to read things in any order other than the way they are presented to me, so I read The Magician's Nephew first, and so on, as in the box set. Although I had seen the cartoon version of TLTW&TW already.
Where the Red Fern Grows - traumatizing as all heck for a 9 year old, but still a GREAT book!
Little Women oh, how I love this book!!! First time was 4th grade and I can't count the number of times since! I've read Little Men too and enjoyed it, but never went back to re-read it...
Janey Eyre and
Wuthering Heights were really great too, but all my friends thought that I was stark raving looney-tunes to like them.
The Harry Potter Series yep, I'm another of the nuts! Knocked off the 4th book in about 3 days times. <g> And my roomie pre-ordered The Order of the Phoenix for me for my b-day - she's my new favorite friend in the whole wide world.