Hm... Has anyone noticed that I've been pretty quiet on the boards the last couple hours?

That's 'cause I've been reading Harry Potter for most of them. After I made my last post, I went upstairs, stayed up until 4am (got home about 10ish I think) reading, then got a little sleep. Woke up about 10am or so, started reading again, broke for some brunch, went back to reading, took a break, checked my email (but not the boards), read some more - and am just now (4pm-ish) checking the boards. And I've finished book one, and am halfway through book two. I'm really going to have to try to ration the 11 books I bought yesterday - 90,000 won is a heck of a lot to drop in one day, and I could easily finish all of them within a week, even with taking time to teach the 8 classes that I have this term, starting on Monday!
Melisma (under her Rock, completely sucked into HarryPotterLand
