Oh God these sentiments for Christopher Reeve are so beautiful. I wanted to see him walk again too. I always donated the few cents I could toward his organization, hoping someday to hit it big and donate a large sum of money to help his cause. I wanted to see him walk again. I know we all did. I wonder if he realized that he did so much more then walk. He gave us hope, he gave us dreams, and he stood up and fought for those in need in a way that went way beyond the physical act of standing. He did so much for this world. God bless him. What a loss the world has had today! But I hope he is feeling free right now and soaring above us all. May his spirit live on and his cause come to an end in the near future. He will have helped to find a cure for spinal injury, even though he is gone. His fight will go on until the deed is done. And I know he will be there when that first person gets up out of that wheel chair to walk.

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"