Good choices, everyone!
-- Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid. I still sing along, but really, do they expect *everyone* in Africa to be christian? "And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime" and how often does it snow there, anyway?? In the areas that they're talking about.
I'm not that fond of this one myself. But I don't think they were really talking about snow and Christmas in the literal sense. It was more to do with these concepts as elements of fun and happiness which we in the West are enjoying at this time of year - while others are less fortunate then ourselves. And that at this time of year, while we're indulging ourselves in rich food and expensive gifts, having sleigh-rides in the snow etc, we should spare a moment to think of them and how we can help make a time of year that's special and fun for us a time of year when they can live a little better with our help.
It's still a tad patronising, if you ask me.

But that was always the message I took from it, rather than it being literally about wishing Africa snow and the religious elements of the season.