Wish I had time to add my own list! That I don't seems a tad ironic really. laugh

But I see that a few of my own favourites have been listed already, so just off the top of my head, quickly:

Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You

Winter Wonderland

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow (always reminds me of Die Hard <G>)

Anything remotely Christmassy by Nat King Cole. You just gotta love the voice. The Christmas Song, especially.

Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt (just love that sultry, teasing rendition)

Have Yourself... - The Pretenders

Bing Crosby's White Christmas <snuffle>

Theme from The Snowman (Walking In the Air)

Jingle Bell Rock

I hadn't heard Grown Up Christmas List until I played Diane's MV the other week, but I love it, too.

Rocking Around The Christmas Tree - although I've never managed to get beyond the Kim Wilde/Mel Smith comedy version that was done for one of our telethons, since I heard that version. goofy

And, Sara, I'm so with you on Fairytale of New York. It just doesn't seem like the holiday season without it. In fact - going to go play it now. I just love the melody on it and:

And the boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing Galway Bay
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas Day
Never fails to get me right...here. (In the words of Fraiser Crane, "I'm pointing to my chest now." goofy )

Since the untimely and tragic death of Kirsty MacColl, it's become even more poignant to listen to. But I still don't feel Christmassy without it.

There must be a ton more...

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers