Hah! Selinde! I pictured you (I picture everyone... but normally not the way they actually look).

I knew you were from the Netherlands, but that didn't mean anything to me "image-wise". You're screen name just had this exotic flare to it so I ended up envisioning you like Brazilian or Hispanic - at least I got the dark hair right.

You're a doll.

Oh, and I love the "sex change" comment. I laughed so hard at that... because I felt the same way when I first came here. Some names didn't give anything away and you didn't know if it was a guy or a girl (at least for a while).

Post more pictures! I love them! This is so fun...

-- DJ

----- Lara! Awful? You're cute! And I already knew what you looked like because I had seen your Spiderman pic when you posted it before. <g>

---------- Smirky! I'm still waiting for a picture (I'll be posting a review soon, promise).

---------------Oh Roo! You're so cute! And so is your puppy... how old is he/she? Name? laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.