People have actually met? Beyond the siblings, that is? How does that happen?
Oh, I think I've lost count of the number of FoLCs I've met in person over the years. It's been a lot of fun.

If I tried to list them all, I know I'd miss people out, so I won't try - but I can at least try listing the countries I've met FoLCs from.
Surprisingly enough, I've never met any Irish FoLCs in person, though I know of a few *waves to EvilSara* I've met FoLCs from: England, Scotland, France, Italy, Australia, something like a dozen US states and, of course, Canada.
As for how it happens, I did once go to a general FoLC fest, but mostly it's been individuals meeting up - I've invited FoLCs to stay at my house, for example, and been invited to theirs, and when I first moved to North America we went on a road trip around two Canadian provinces and about eight US states. On that trip, I managed to fit in meetings with, I think, nine FoLCs. The following year we went to the US again with Kaethel in tow, hitting Cedar Point and Annette's place in Pennsylvania, and that time we met five FoLCs.
And I should add that some of the FoLCs I've met over the years, who started off as people I just chatted to online and perhaps exchanged the odd email with, have become some of my husband's and my closest friends.

And that's something special
Mind you, when said husband goes gallivanting off to Las Vegas with the husband of one of these close FoLC friends... :rolleyes:
(just kidding! They had a great time, and I'm glad because they needed the break).
Oh, and PS:
like Wendy, he has lost some weight since then... and gotten older... and grayer
Ditto on the older and greyer too, Tank *runs out to buy more hair colour*