Capes said:
I think, if I had a different job/life, it would loads of fun. But, despite all the traveling I've had to do, I never seem to be able to make it happen. Give me another few years, I guess.
Yeah, give it time

I used to think the only way I'd meet people was if I went to NEFF or SEFF or LAFF, but you don't need such an organized event. The first FoLCs I met (Annette, Tasha, and Anita H) just happened to be having a weekend get-together for a weekend right in the city where I lived. I'd been told Anita lived in the Boston area, so the next time she signed on IRC I said, "Hey, I live here too!" And she said, "Hey, we're having a get together this weekend, why don't you come?"
The three of them had met a whole bunch of other FoLCs before, so they could tell me a bit about lots of people and show me pictures from LAFF/NEFF (SEFF didn't exist back then, I don't think). And I remember thinking I'd been inducted into this vast network of people who knew each other, cared about each other, like a secret society or something. It was very cool
The next time I met up with a large number of FoLCs, I had to do a bit more traveling. They were all meeting in Boston, where I live 9 months of the year, but it was summer and I wasn't there! I wasn't about to let that stop me, so I got a plane ticket and came up for the weekend and met a whopping 8 people! (7 new people plus Annette, who I'd met before)
After that traveling to meet FoLCs was a less foreign idea, so I've done it a bunch of times. I've gone on summer trips three of the last four summers

. But I continue to meet FoLCs who live in the cities (or states, at least) I do. You don't always have to go a long way to meet cool people

(who can think of 21 FoLCs she's met in person, but suspects that certain others have met at least twice as many!)