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Hi! Okay, to answer your question about Harry, no he doesn't die. He believes he has to, in order to save everyone, so he goes forth and allows Voldemort to use the killing curse on him. He ends up in a dreamlike state where Dumbledore explains to him that Voldemort actually killed the "Voldemort manifestation" inside Harry. Oh this is wierd to explain. Someone else could probably do a better job of it, but I'll give it my best shot. When the curse rebounded off Harry as a baby and gave him that scar, it also gave him a curious link to Voldemort. He could feel when he was angry, happy, ect. When Harry met him in the forest ready for Voldemort to kill him, the avada kedavra curse only ended up killing the link to Voldemort in him. He regained consciousness later and fought, ect. But to answer your question in a nutshell, no, Harry doesn't die. Hope that made sense, I know it's a little bizarre.


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile