Hurray! a place to post now that I've emerged from my HP induced fanfic break!

Overall, I liked it very much, but cannot get past Fred's death. Why JK? WHY? I didn't see it advancing the plot, proving a point or anything. Perhaps that is because the twins are far and away my favorite characters in there, it just seemed gratuitous.

Also, I didn't love the epilogue--not as well-written as the rest, but rather cliched and silly. We needed to have at least one more paragraph about *why* our favorite character ever would choose Ginny to be his wife. I understand how/why he loves Ron (book 4's "most precious" thing), but not about why he feels for the sister--is it just to stay close to Ron? It read taht way to me.

And, did anyone else see shades of CS Lewis in Harry's sacrificial scene? Didn't make me love it less, I was quite moved.
Not my favorite of the books but still a mostly satisfying read.