
A friend who just reviewed this for the Times Literary Supplement thinks very highly of it, and feels that it makes some very interesting moral arguments.

But she also points out that Voldemort has to be the most incompetent villain ever. Everything he does seems to be calculated to annoy and terrify his supporters nearly as much as his enemies. He even (sort of) makes the classic Evil Overlord mistake of changing into a snake, or at least putting part of his soul there. He kills his trusty lieutenants on a theory (not even proven) that it will improve his magical ability.

I'm not sure that this is in the review, it's somthing we were talking about on the phone, but the review itself ought to be in the next issue of the TLS. I think she's also putting it on line, I'll post a link once it's up.

later (by about 15 minutes) Turns out it's on line already here and that the crapness of Voldemort does not, in fact, feature in it.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game