Well, I retired (early
) over a decade ago now (gosh is it really that long ago?), so I've achieved a long held dream of being at home, too. I was never one of those people who worked for social reasons - it was always just to pay the bills - so first chance I got to stay at home, spending time with hubby and Homer, I leapt at it.
But, back in the day, I worked as a court clerk for a legal firm. Positives were that I more or less worked on my own - really, I was the only one who understood what I did
, so my bosses just let me get on with it rather than admit they were lost
. Mostly preparing court papers and liasing with the courts on gaining decrees.
The negatives were that it was in the area of debt litigation - we prepared court cases against debtors for major utilities and loan companies - and my sympathies were usually more with the debtors than the companies. Now and then it was a little depressing aggressively chasing people for payment who were in dire circumstances through no fault of their own. It wasn't so bad when you were chasing the obvious scroungers.