1. A song you know all the words to?
Er...Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? Seriously, I probably know others, but dashed if I can think right now of any I wouldn't falter at halfway through.2. Last book you read?
Terry Goodkind's Faith of the Fallen. Right now, I'm halfway through Terry Pratchett's Night Watch.3. Favorite pizza toppings?
Never really eat pizza. But I succumb every now and then to stealing one of Stuart's Chicago Town Pepperoni pizzas from the freezer - much to his annoyance.4. Your shoe size?
Do you know, I have absolutely no clue. Ever since I was a kid, the one thing in all the entire world that I loathe and abhor doing is shopping for shoes. Hate it, hate it, hate it. You have no idea how much I hate it. As a result, I only ever have one pair of shoes and one pair of trainers, which I wear until they are (almost literally) falling off my feet and then I have no choice but to go buy another pair. (I hate it so much, in fact, that I have been known to ask Stuart to just pick up a cheap pair of low heels a the local supermarket when he's doing the weekly shopping, rather than go through the ordeal myself.
).I think I've had the pair of shoes I have now for about 13 years...so who can tell what size was on them when I bought them.5. Favorite household chore?
Hmmmmm. I do have to admit I love putting out a washing on the whirlygig on a good drying day. It's just satisfying to get a whole wash dry in a couple of hours and have them smelling outdoor fresh when you bring them in.6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid?
Putting on a fresh duvet cover. Hoo, boy. Never fail to end up with a nagging pain in my lower back (whoever thought that putting rows of tiny buttons on the end of a duvet cover was a good idea should be painfully shot) and feeling as though I just went ten rounds with a struggling tiger.7. PC or Mac?
PC8. Favorite holiday?
Stuart and I have never really been ones for going away on holiday. Give me a warm day reading in the garden and I'm happy. Occasionally, we might drive out for the day to Loch Lomond or St. Andrews or around the Fife coast, but that's about it.
ETA: I've just read the other answers and realise I misunderstood this one. Definitely Christmas. I love all the preparation, buying and wrapping gifts, the lights, Christmas songs...<happy sigh>9. Type of cellphone you own?
Um.... I know Stuart has that fancy one. iPhone? Lord knows what I have. I barely remember to keep it with me, let alone examine it closely.10. Last ep of L&C you watched?
I'm ashamed to say it was some time ago and the one I did the transcript for. One of the first season ones.11. Favorite cereal?
I'm also partial to Special K now and then, but not often. I tend these days to have egg on toast for breakfast.12. Facebook app you spend to much time on?
I don't get Social Networking sites, so not on Facebook at all.13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit?
All the great historical sites of the world. Masada, Machu Picchu, the Pyramids, Petra...I'm a sucker for all that stuff.14. Superpower you wish you had?
Invulnerability. I might be more adventurous in life if I couldn't get broken bones.