Any excuse not to have to find a cheap hotel on laterooms. Hope I'm not homeless tomorrow night. :p
1. A song you know all the words to?
Happy Birthday. I suck at remembering lyrics.
2. Last book you read?
The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato.
3. Favorite pizza toppings?
The works: tomato, onion, mushrooms, bacon, pineapple, cheese. Preferably homemade cos they're so much yummier.
4. Your shoe size?
UK 6 (which I think is 8&1/2 US?)
5. Favorite household chore?
None??? Don't mind hoovering I suppose.
6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid?
Cleaning bathrooms, in particular pulling hair out of the plug hole. That makes me want to vomit!
7. PC or Mac?
I'm a PC.
8. Favorite holiday?
It's been so long I don't remember what that is.

Cape Town, probably.
(... erm except that's a 'vacation' in American English, so I'll say Easter. Days off, chocolate and without the fuss of having to buy everyone presents.

9. Type of cellphone you own?
Nokia thirty something, something.
10. Last ep of L&C you watched?
Not a clue, how sad!
11. Favorite cereal?
Red Berrie Special K or Alpen with greek style plain yog; also enjoy a nice bowl of porridge now and then.
12. Facebook app you spend to much time on?
I have an account, that's my limit. It doesn't get looked at more than once a month.
13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit?
Italy, France, USA, Egypt, etc...
14. Superpower you wish you had?
None. I like being normal.
(ok, how about the invisible, superspeed, -strength & -smart, flying power? Sounds good.
