1. A song you know all the words to?
Hmm, loads - I think! I'll say 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miserables as I sang that for my music GCSE exam and had to learn the words.
2. Last book you read?
I really think it was Teri's 'Burnt Toast' and that was about 3 years ago!
3. Favorite pizza toppings?
4. Your shoe size?
UK 5 which is the small side of average.
5. Favorite household chore?
Laundry, especially hanging it out on the line.
6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid?
Washing dishes, can't stand it, although thankfully I have a dishwasher and avoid anything not safe to go in it.
7. PC or Mac?
PC, but only because that's what I have always had. I don't really know anything about Macs.
8. Favorite holiday?
Christmas definitely, the others don't compare at all.
9. Type of cellphone you own?
A Samsung something, I'm looking at it but it doesn't seem to say the make. I don't have a
10. Last ep of L&C you watched?
Resurrection as research for my fic.
11. Favorite cereal?
Frosties, not that I eat them much.
12. Facebook app you spend to much time on?
I spend loads of time on facebook but the apps annoy me so other than facebook chat, none.
13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit?
New York without a doubt.
14. Superpower you wish you had?
Flying, being able to get places that quickly, safely and easily would be fantastic.
Before I answered this I checked out the vid again - any excuse!