I have a feeling that people think my last night is made up...but it really isn't. My husband's family originally came from Germany (we think) and the name was probably Speer when they first came to America, but it's been changed since then. We do know that it was Spear when the town of Oakland, NJ was established, 'cause there is a Spear Street which was named for his family (one of the first ten families to settle in Oakland). My family settled in near Goshen NY, so there's a whole bunch of stuff up there named Bull or Wells...

So, I usually do use my real name, or my chosen nickname for chatrooms and stuff is RaggedyAnne...with the "e" added to reflect my own first name.

P.S. My husband once threatened to name our son "Lance" but I absolutely refused on the grounds that it was too redundant!


Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993