Wanda Detroit is my real name.
*giggle* Okay, okay... you caught me. :p
I usually use an alias online, and like to pay homage to L&C by using Wanda. I don't hide my real identity or anything... I mean, I gave myself a cameo in "Ace is the Place!" using my real name. Those FoLCs who have BR'ed for me and/or talk to me on AIM or Yahoo!Messenger also know and/or use my real name.
I have to admit, though, that Zoom's MBs have a "WandaD" who was there before I was! I feel pretty bad about that, because we're often confused for one another.
On other websites, I'm LoisLane216, or MarilynM216... (216 being a VERY insignificant number--it was my freshman dorm, what? 5 years ago?! But it's stuck around...) Lois is self-explanatory, and Marilyn M. pays homage to Miss Monroe, another of my favorites.
Very cool quiz--very interesting!
In all things Super... Wanda Detroit!