LOL AnnaBtG:
AnnaBtG. (who, although in RL always thought her name was too common and simple and boring, is happy that she doesn't have to confuse the FoLCs with a 'seriously Greek' name like the ones she actually likes - Polymnia, or Amaryllis, or Glykeria... [[Smile]] )
How about Artemis?
I picked a name that isn't mine but is a real name, if an uncommon one in the U.S. It is related to my real name and those who attend LAFF know me by both. Like LabRat (a name I love BTW), I have several reasons (see, if you say "several" you don't have to count beforehand)
1. I'm a security nut. No names, no addresses no pictures on the internet.
2. I have a career as a scientist under my real name.
3. I wanted to break free from said career and channel my humanitarian side (vs. scientific side)
4. I could never ever sign my real name to an nfic. I'm too embarrased. (See #2 above) This has no relationship to the fact that in a group I can swear like a sailor and tell dirty jokes.
5. Initially I wanted a gender-free nickname. (Remember Artemis Gorden in "Wild Wild West"? The TV series, not the Will Smith movie.) Now I don't care so much.
6. I like using the same nick all the time. This crowd then knows who I am. At the last Kerth's I had a little trouble figuring out who some of the posters were. "TopHatMan" is a clear riff on "HatMan", but I kept saying to self "Where's Yvonne"? Till finally the penny dropped on "EvilAuntY".
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis