I'm right there with you both. I can't tell you how many stories I've written in my head when I should have been sleeping. Of course, the downside is when I've spent all that time constructing the right sentences and wonderful dialogue, but I don't get it written down before I lose the perfect phrases.
Oh no, that's a different thing, Kathy. I've been there, too, having bits of my current WIP pop into my head just as I'm falling asleep and either having to trust to the fact that I'll remember it all in the morning, when I can get it down (guess how many times I don't?

) or get up out of bed and jot it down there and then because I know it will be gone by morning.
What I was talking about earlier though is completely different. Those stories I never intend to write down, ever. It's not like writing a story I'm intending to write, snippets of scenes or portions of dialogue.
It's more like having a movie running in my head. I put the characters of my favourite TV show into a situation and then watch how they deal with it. It's like switching a VCR on in my head and letting it run. I usually fall asleep before I get to the end of the 'movie' and pick it up where I left off the previous night. Often, I play around with all the various permutations of how the characters might react or how events might fall out. Hours of entertainment.