Luthor gave him a condescending look. “Nobody lies to me.”
That sums up Lex's whole self so exactly. He believes - has always believed - that he is
above absolutely everyone else. Remember how he said, in the series, that he'd win over Superman because Superman had scruples while Lex had none? This just hits that so squarely on the head. But he's wrong. Ultimately, that absolute conviction that he can't be touched will be his downfall. Very nice characterization, Wendy.
She was still dying.
They hadn’t told her that immediately, of course.
She wasn’t getting better. They hadn’t found everything that miserable bastard had injected her with. And it had taken them all this time to work that out?
Her next big expose was going to be something on doctors’ salaries. Or their expense accounts.
You’ve been here for hours while I was having needles and tubes poked into me in the hospital. And you don’t have anything to show for it?”
And this is just so typical of the early Lois, the one who when cornered would come out fighting, never mind who got caught in the crossfire. She's feeling horrible physically, she's very frightened that she will, indeed, die, and she
knows what she stands to lose if they are unsuccessful - so much more than just her life. She's lashing out. Again, so good! The contrast with her inner thoughts regarding Clark -

You have
got to save her! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?
“Here.” A gentle hand lay on her shoulder, and the phone was moved to within her reach. And she hadn’t even heard him move.
That's our Clark. Always there, even at the expense of his own sorrow or fear, for her. So beautiful, so heart-breaking, these little moments we're seeing between them.
Has it been long enough to post part 15 yet?