Oh dear. My thoughts are all over the place!!

) This part left me feeling hopeful, that we're heading in a new direction (and yeah, because it came from Lex, I have faith we're heading in the right direction), while it also left me a little nervous because Lois is so sick and weak and scared! And Clark's scared. And time is
really running out. 4 HOURS!!! My god, Wendy. REALLY!
See? I told you. My feelings are all over the place. Giddy one minute, mad the next. I can't help it. YOU DID THIS!
There were so many parts I loved! I had a wonderful visual of Lois being a human pin cushion. Nice!
She wasn’t getting better. They hadn’t found everything that miserable bastard had injected her with. And it had taken them all this time to work that out?
One of the nurses started rearranging her pillows. “Let’s get you nice and comfortable again, Lois, so you can rest.”
Rest? “Are you kidding? I have to get out of here. I’ve got things to - ”
I love her impatience here - she has no time to do anything. She definitely doesn't have time for resting! You can just sense where her thoughts must be at!
I’ve just been told that if I don’t find the guy who poisoned me within the next four hours or so I’m not going to live to see tomorrow.
LOIS! Love it! She would say that! Even in her miserable state, where she probably would love to do nothing more than take a 4 hour nap. They want her to take it. SHE wants to wake up from it. So so Lois!
He was fighting for her, too - not for what he wanted, but what she wanted.
Because he loves you!!!
I really love Lois's POV in this section. You see her realize the strength of Clark's feelings in so many ways. I just love seeing her witness how much this is affecting
“We appreciate everything you’re doing to help, Doctor. We appreciate it very much. But you should appreciate that time is running out - and I want my partner alive.”
Lois’s heart twisted at that faint crack in his voice on the last word. Another reminder of how much he cared for her.

Honestly, Wendy, this is beautiful and had me completely choked up. Those subtle moments where you show the feelings of one of them through the other's eyes make this story so fantastic, heartbreaking and beautiful!!
Clark's POV offered some favorites for me, too:
“Why would they have stayed? When we thought I was going to be okay?”
He crossed to her side and slid his arm around her waist for support. “Because, even if you were going to be okay, someone still tried to kill you. And might try again.”
I love this. It just shows Lois's confused state of mind. Clark has to remind her that the attacker is still on the loose, basically. She's clearly not at the top of her game and normally she's ahead of everyone else, at that. This moment is sad, and just awful.
I was so upset that she lashed out at Henderson, but as Clark noted, it was completely understandable, given the circumstances. But I just love what he said later - it gets to the heart of his relationship with her. The whole reason he cares for her is her integrity and boldness, so he nicely gives back the same; it's what she respects about him, too, after all.
“Oh, just for the record, Lois,” he said before exiting, “my guys have checked out over a thousand names today. They’re all on unpaid overtime right now. There isn’t anyone in this building who doesn’t want to see the bastard caught and the antidote found for you.”
She sighed and grimaced, her temper clearly gone. He hated the hopeless expression which replaced it.
And then this last part.

Her fight is leaving her. Her time is running out. She might try to be strong, but I love that Clark sees through that and sees the completely heartwrenching look of hopelessness in her eyes.
her fingers refused to grip it, and then the card fell from her grasp. “Oh, sh - ” She squeezed her eyes shut and stifled a sob.
This has been quoted already, so I won't say much; just wonderful! I loved this.
PLEASE save her soon, Wendy! You should read these sections and see how sick she is! Then you'll
really want to save her; I just know it!
More soon