You can't *possibly* leave it until the last part to tell us who did it! Because they need to find the guy in order to find the antidote. So there has to be a part where they find him, a part where he brags about what he did, thus revealing what poison he used, a part where Lois gets better, and a part full of smoochies. That leaves three parts for them to spend tracking him down and dealing with incompetent doctors and nurses. Okay, so they're not incompetent, just in the way.

So surely we don't have time for any more red herrings or dead ends! Right?
The pathos in this story is well-done. You have a strong mix of angst through the sadness and worry over Lois's potential fate, a repositioning as Lois and Clark redefine their partnership and friendship as affected by the situation, and also an urgency driving them towards finding a solution. The urgency, of course, keeps me reading each part at such a fast rate that I miss details and have to reread just to get everything, once I've satisfied my longing to know whether Lois gets well or at least finds out the poison's name in *this* part.
I look forward to the next post!