Ladies, I think part two was even better than part one -- and that's saying something!
There were so many sentences and paragraphs that I loved, and many people have already highlighted a lot of those, so I won't reiterate. Wonderful descriptions -- the dance, the peanut butter incident, and the kiss, especially.
There were some really hilarious parts, too -- a competitive, drunk Lois with her blue cup full of takeout water ('Get it, Clark? Takeout water, get it?' LOL), "Lucy-Goosey," and Clark being thankful that Lois had some bread without fuzz [g].
I love this story, but there is one problem: we've only had two parts so far! Come on, the weekend is almost over, so I need something to cheer me up. Part 3 would do nicely
Great job, Annie and Kathy!