LOL, you guys are making us very happy! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments. We are delighted you are enjoying it so much.
It looks like the blue cup of "takeout water" (Annie takes the Fifth on that one, but is happy it made you laugh

) and their kiss at the end and Clark's parting words (Kathy is similarly happy that it inspired so many wow's

) seem to have been especially liked. Thank you!!!
Hazel mentioned:
I especially enjoyed Clark's confusion about what Lois was doing, and the way the shoe was on the other foot, with Lucy's boyfriend worried about Clark's good intentions. The whole thing was great fun to read,
Thank you, Hazel! We had a lot of fun with that one, too. We think Lucy got a bum rap on the show and wanted to give her a good guy to go out with. Hey, maybe in this universe, she'll never hook up with Johnny Corbin! <g>
And finally, the big question:
I'm dying to know how much Lois is going to remember in the morning...
I can't wait to see what Lois remembers and her reaction.
oh please let her remember everything in the morning!!
But I admit I'm *dying* to see what Lois thinks, the next morning.
LOL! Wondering about that, are you? Well, we'll just have to post part 3 so you can find out.
Thanks, everyone! We're glad that everyone is having fun with the story, and we really appreciate you all taking the time to comment!
Kathy and Annie