poor confused clark.
poor assaulted clark.
poor noble clark.
poor abandonded takeout water.
yay story!
seriously, i've been loving this.
some great introspection on clark's part here about how he can never "just have sex" with lois, etc.
of course, "Experience had taught him that her refrigerator would be a lost cause..." is pretty good, too.
and you write lois's seductive techniques very well... subtle (sometimes), but effective. really well done, but then, given the writers, that's no surprise.
" "But what a way to go," she murmured..."
just too bad "in vino veritas" isn't coming to clark's mind. well, hopefully they can get that straightened out when lois is done with the whole hangover thing. i mean, she could just apologize and wait for the awkwardness to settle down and go back to friendship, but you wouldn't do that to us, would you?
looking forward to reading part 3 soon.