Originally Posted by Morgana
Oh man after 100 days of lock-down, this was definitely a winner!

Michael shook his head but didn’t answer the question. “And notice how everything always gets done around here, even with their crazy work schedules? How else could it all get done, if not for super powers? I mean, the laundry is always done, our house is literally the cleanest one out of any of my friends’ houses, even the ones who have a stay at home mom, there’s almost always a home-cooked meal, unless we all decide to go out or have takeout…” His voice trailed off. He knew he didn’t need to list every example that was swirling around in his head.

Well that makes sense! When you have super-powers, organization at top speed is really easy!

Wonder Woman shock What about Ultra Woman?

Great story DC!

Thanks, Morgana! Glad you enjoyed it! As for UW, she was just a passing fluke from a time before they were born. They would have no reason to even remember she existed, whereas WW would be someone they would constantly see in the news. laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon