Hi Vicki!

When Lois and Clark’s oldest child begins to discover his powers, he begins to make some connections in his mind…
I know, you’re referring to his deductive capabilities (say, is Clark aware that Bruce Wayne is a great detective and likely rescued Lois at least once when she was visiting Gotham…?) but I couldn’t help but going with the telepathy route and having him connect with some highschool girl he has a crush on evil

A second later, he heard the “Vroooooooooooooom!” she always made when playing airplane.
And a couple years later, the ‘whooooooosh’ she always makes when she sneaks out her bedroom window to mingle with the peers of her age group or sneak off to a fraternity party, trying to pass herself of as a nineteen year old college girl.

BECCA: What? I’ve got superpowers, alcohol or drugs don’t affect me and I can get by on eight hours of sleep a week. Plus, superspeed for homework! And I’m sure the Raven will love my article on how last years star quarterback got caught with steroids and a bought history paper during his freshman year. Really should have asked *me* to the homecoming dance instead of that…that…Cindy just because *her* mother doesn’t know that cotton shrinks when washing the cheerleader uniform top too hot.

And Michael wasn’t entirely sure he wanted his mother and father to know what he was about to tell Chris. Not yet at any rate. He still wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the thoughts that had recently begun to crowd his mind. He still needed to sort through them all and figure out what, exactly things meant.
[Linked Image] Again, conventional wisdom dictates ‘superpowers’, more adventurous wisdom ‘girls’, and the usual twist would be ‘boys’.

Fail your math test?”
Yeah, that would be bad. He needs math to do astral navigation.
MICHAEL: /holds up smartphone with GPS and map app/

Some time later…

LOIS: Clark, Michael’s phone is showing up in Hong Kong, again.

“Chris…I think you’d better sit down,” he instructed, just like their father always told their mother when he was delivering some kind of bad or shocking news.
“Lois, you know this years Kerth nomination you didn’t get? It’s….that…it’s Linda King, she got it.”
“Lois, I know this will be hard to take but…you remember your assertion that your Jeep will fit in that parking spot? You were…not right about it.”

red, green, and silver marbles
Is it smart of Lois and Clark to teach their kids that translucent red and green baubles are fun to play with?

“But…how?” Chris asked.
Maybe Mommy was having an affair with Superman some 13 years ago?

Michael furrowed his brow in thought. “Maybe, but neither of them likes to show off, you know?
/points at the row of Kerth Awards with ‘Lois Lane’ inscribed at the bottom neatly arranged in the glass showcase with the backlight and blue velvet covering the shelves and backside./ huh

“Doesn’t it seem weird that Superman just always happened to be around?”
SUPERMAN: /points at shapely attributes/ Plus, she smells really nice, too!

“And notice how everything always gets done around here, even with their crazy work schedules? How else could it all get done, if not for super powers? I mean, the laundry is always done, our house is literally the cleanest one out of any of my friends’ houses, even the ones who have a stay at home mom, there’s almost always a home-cooked meal, unless we all decide to go out or have takeout…”
Maybe the maid’s just gone for the day by the time they get home from school?

“I know,” Michael said with a sage nod as a grin spread over his face. “He’s married to Wonder Woman!”

DIANA: What’s so funny about a couple of pre-teens assuming I’d make a perfect 50’s house wife when I’m not out playing the breadwinner or saving some entitled males from muggers?

You know, I did expect them to guess ‘Ultra Woman’ at that last sentence. Very funny, this one!

wave Michael


After reading he FDK:
They could actually go, rushing off to research supers, stumble on Ultra Woman and crush on her since she's not their Wonder Woman mother and all that.

And in regards to Clark being Batman, it would make for a perfectly reasonable deduction and validate why they're such great detectives. No wonder their Mom won all those journalism investigation prizes once she got together with Batman. Yes, perfect deductive capabilities. [Linked Image]

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