Greetings, Michael! Glad to see you around! wave

I couldn’t help but going with the telepathy route and having him connect with some highschool girl he has a crush on

That...likely would have wound up on the *other* side of the boards (if he'd been a few years older).

BECCA: What? I’ve got superpowers, alcohol or drugs don’t affect me and I can get by on eight hours of sleep a week. Plus, superspeed for homework! And I’m sure the Raven will love my article on how last years star quarterback got caught with steroids and a bought history paper during his freshman year. Really should have asked *me* to the homecoming dance instead of that…that…Cindy just because *her* mother doesn’t know that cotton shrinks when washing the cheerleader uniform top too hot.

CLARK: Lois? Get that stash of red K Dr. Klein lent us, would ya?

LOIS: Clark, Michael’s phone is showing up in Hong Kong, again.

CLARK: (sigh) Okay, I'll be back in a jiff. You want some takeout while I'm there?

“Lois, I know this will be hard to take but…you remember your assertion that your Jeep will fit in that parking spot? You were…not right about it.”

And that, dear children, is how Superman REALLY died. Forget that comic book stuff.

/points at the row of Kerth Awards with ‘Lois Lane’ inscribed at the bottom neatly arranged in the glass showcase with the backlight and blue velvet covering the shelves and backside./

LOIS: That's not showing off! That's just proof that hard work pays off.

You know, I did expect them to guess ‘Ultra Woman’ at that last sentence. Very funny, this one!

Glad you enjoyed it! UW was just too easy - but WW made me laugh out loud when the idea hit!

nd in regards to Clark being Batman, it would make for a perfectly reasonable deduction and validate why they're such great detectives. No wonder their Mom won all those journalism investigation prizes once she got together with Batman. Yes, perfect deductive capabilities.


Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon