Priceless, you guys. That email was priceless [g]. Loved every part of this section, especially the way you wrote Lois's morning wake up call, with the dream and the beeping of the alarm.
I have to admit that you got me with Clark and the email. I was sure that he had either read it when he got to work or was going to be in the process of reading it when she walked in the newsroom. And then Jimmy said that he hadn't checked his email yet, and I was like, "Nooo, Annie and Kathy, you have to let him see that email! Don't let Lois get to it first!!" I was glad that he read it the night before. I've tried being embarrassed for Lois, but it's just too funny. Sorry, Lois [g].
Awesome, you two. Now post that last part so we can quit begging!