OK, OK, OK!!! Wow, you guys are tough! <G>

Thanks, everyone, for such amazing feedback. We are thrilled, obviously (who wouldn't be?!? jump ) that you like it so much and are finding it so funny. We kept saying that even if no one else laughed, at least we'd cracked ourselves up <g>, but we're glad that we're not the only ones. smile

Me wrote:

I don't find it surprising at all that he reads it [the email] a lot. Not sure if he finds it sexy. But Clark's clearly been in love with Lois for a long time. He's clinging to every hope and looking for any evidence that Lois returns his feelings. In vino veritas. He re-reads it over and over because it gives him real hope that she does love him.
Yes, this is basically what we were going for -- not that the email itself was particularly sexy or seductive, but that Lois is declaring all these feelings for him (we live happily ever after, etc.) and making it very clear she wants him to come back to her apartment *right now*, and while his mind knows it would be wrong to return, his libido isn't as easily convinced. <g>

And also:

Maybe it's me, but I haven't the foggiest idea what people are talking about when they're referring to this blue cup. It seems like an inside joke. Maybe I just haven't been around these boards long enough. If it isn't an inside joke, then the humor's gone over my head. Just because she's the only one in the room with a blue cup and Lois reacts to it in a funny way doesn't make it THAT funny for so many to comment on it.
Sorry about that smile ... yes, it is an inside joke, in a way, though hopefully it's only the comments that are confusing, not the story reference itself. As some people know, parts of this story were inspired by some of Annie's more ... interesting escapades at her favorite bars wink and we used some of her experiences to fill in details of the story.

In fact, if you want to see what we mean, Annie has graciously wink posted an example of what we're talking about:

Inspiration for Tea Totaled


OK, onto post part 4!!

Kathy and Annie