Hi Evie!
Ope, I guess my subconscious accidentally made him a touch misogynist. Aw, Henderson deserves better. I'll have to make it up to him somewhere.
Nah, Henderson was just playing the odds.
LOIS: he should still have known better. Look! /spreads out her arms/
HENDERSON: Hmm…yes, I can see now how women can be prone to criminal behavior, too. Where’s that B&E form again…

/Psst/ I believe you mean ‘racking up’?

Oh, yes, I do! ...would you be opposed to my borrowing this comment from you? Would you mind seeing it pop up elsewhere?
Sure, go right ahead! Wait, are you suggesting having Clark point our Lois’s typos to her? hyper Yes, please!


YES. This one word just covers so many sins between them, doesn't it? Delicious.

YAY! I was SO psyched to sneak her in. She'd have to be an alt-version anyway here, so I got to have a little fun. Thank you for catching Mercy!!!

Re: Woolf: Was that build worth it? Clark needed a solid reality slap here, but I had trouble balancing this section and was still in my head about it when I hit 'post.' I tried giving Woolf some physical/body posture clues and eye contact issues to support it. I thought Woolf's emotional trauma and Lois' emotional trauma could butt heads in order to create enough distance to pull this off (since they're essentially representing each others' nightmares here). Would a little more discomfort from him have guided us better?
Hmm…It didn’t jump out at me until he started telling his murder story. And then I wondered if he forgot it was Lois. You know, just focusing on the victim and his emotions, not the witnesses personal stories. I think there’s two…issues here, for the lack of a better word. I managed to forget that Det. Woolf was the one investigating during TOGoM at first. It’s a fallacy of fanfic--which little detail does one remember and doesn’t require to be told/reminded of? And the other, since I wasn’t getting the original connection, I just focused on Lois’s side so I didn’t see anything before he started with the story about the murder. I rechecked now and didn’t find too many hints. I also considered the five-months timeline during the first read but figured ‘coincidence?’ On the whole, it felt like he just rotated out from murder after a couple of months, and not because of ToGOM in particular until the reveal. So…yeah, more discomfort could have helped. Maybe Lois mirroring his due to his presence and her memory of his being there?

This discrepancy never bothers me that much, especially once she's out of the casino. The dress is red, blood is red... grief and shock do such funny things to our brains, don't they?

As my first story in this universe, of course this one is close to my heart. xo

but the story here - from behind the keyboard - was always the journey to the emotional resolution. Thanks for reading so closely from that perspective.

Thanks for being such a cheerleader for a newbie! The welcome here is so warm! I'll be around.
Aww, thanks! And yes, FoLCs are such great people! There’s also a hangout spot on Discord, if you’re interested!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.