Good morning, FoLCS!
Take your seats and turn with me to chapter one. School is back in session, and it's the theme of this month's FDK Scavenger Hunt! Your assignment is to leave feedback on a story which involves school and/or homework. Rules are as follows:
1. Find a fic that fits the current theme (see above) and leave a comment on it.
2. Your FDK Post Must include a mention of this scavenger hunt, a genuine comment on the story (this is an FDK Challenge, after all), and a quote from the story which proves that it does fit the theme.
3. When you have made your post, report back here for grading.
4. The fanfic can be from anywhere, as long as it's specifically L&CTNAOS. (See Scoring...)
5. Whether the fic is complete or not does not matter. WIPs welcome.
6. If the fic has multiple chapters, you only need to comment on one; preferably the most relevant one.
7. IF and ONLY IF there is nowhere to leave FDK, you may start a thread for it yourself.
8. You MAY NOT tag a fic once someone else has tagged it. No copying someone else's work!
9. You MAY NOT tag your own fic. Leaving yourself FDK is just silly.
This month, we will not have any scoring. Instead, you will be given a grade as follows:
D - A school, or something distinctly school-related, is mentioned in the fic.
E.g. "Lois and Clark drove past a schoolbus on their way to something actually plot-relevant."
C - A school, or something distinctly school-related., affects the plot.
E.g. "Clark could not attend the emergency because he had to help his kid with a homework assignment."
B - The story contains an entire scene either set in a school or based around homework, teachers, etc.
E.g. "Lois wasn't sure why Perry wanted her to interview a math teacher for eight paragraphs, but here she was..."
A - Either Lois, Clark, or another main character is a Student or Education worker
E.g. "Lois wished she had gotten a job at the Planet instead of becoming a lunch lady."
You may enter as many times as you wish, and your highest grade will be the one you keep. Ready? Pencils sharp? Now GO!