So sweet, Pam. And so Clark! That scene when he's confessing to the photograph is great. Perfect idea to have Lois hear him!

But then Clark, the lunkhead - the super duper lunkhead - starts confessing for real, but then he backtracks and comes up with one more of his idiotic excuses!!!

But like Nan said, this story really showed us Lois at her best. These are some of my favoirte quotes from this fic:

"All I really want to do now is get to know you again."

"Lois, you know me better than *anyone*."

She shook her head. "No, I don't know you at all, Clark. I mean, I know you as Clark, and I know you as Superman, but I need some time to, well, mesh the two together in my mind. Sort out what lies you've told me, and find out things you've hidden."
That's telling him, Lois!

He laughed, and for the second time today said, "I love you."

"I know. And, well... I don't want to say yet that I love you. But..." Her smile turned more intimate. "I loved Superman, and I love Clark, so I'd say the odds are pretty good that I will love Clark-as-Superman."
Aaaaawww!!! sloppy

He leaned forward and kissed her -- a kiss full of promises. She put her hands on his chest and kissed him back.

When he pulled away, she had a dreamy smile. After a moment, though, she glanced at her watch. "But before we can do more of that--"

"We've got work to do. Right."

"Don't worry, Clark. We'll get him." She buttoned up her jacket and headed for the door.

He held it open for her. "With you on the case, I haven't got the slightest doubt of that."
Oh, so adorably Lois!!!

Great fic, Pam!
