Eep... I was so busy enjoying these comments I think I forgot to thank you for them! blush

Well, plus I was busy with *tons* of real-life stuff last week. Between me and my kids we've had 3 birthdays in the last ten days, so we've had various celebrations -- plus I got a job! smile I've been doing the job for eight months already, but only as a temp; as of today, I'm an official permanent employee. Yay, me! It's the first full-time permanent job I've had since 1997. So, anyway...

Thanks, Nan -- yes, that was certainly not one of Clark's brighter moments. It was fun writing Lois's internal reactions to "Waldo" & the rest. I wanted to reproduce the scene from the show but with a very new viewpoint, so it was fun describing their words & actions.

Mmouse, I'm glad you think I captured their personalities. That's the goal, but sometimes it's hard to know if I've gotten close enough.

Jackie, yeah, that was such a fun scene and she was *so* close to overhearing it...

Thanks for liking the verb tenses, Laura smile That's one of my favorite lines, too, I confess.

Yes, Jen, it's been four years. And I had a lovely birthday, thanks smile

Glad you liked it, symbolic!

You always leave lovely feedback, Ann -- thanks! And I do like writing "Lois rescues Clark" types of stories.

Anna, thanks for mentioning the trailer. I was terribly insecure about it.

Glad you liked it, Little Tornado, Beethovan, DJ (DJ, I can't remember if you gave feedback before, but regardless, I appreciate you giving some now smile ), Laura, Lara & Another Folc smile You guys are good for my ego.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K