Thanks to all the gentle readers who commented on this little ficlet. I haven't been very motivated to do much writing in recent years, but every once in a while I get the urge.

My orginal plan was never to 'kill off' Lois. (Remember, I like Lois). The purpose was to merely present a situation where Lois would have to confront her 'true' feelings and leave the outcome up to the gentle readers. It would be up to them to give the thumbs up or down.

Once the will of the fandom had been established then either myself or someone else would take up the reins and give this little scenario a 'proper' denoument.

Once again, thanks for giving a tired old man a little encouragement.

Tank (who did have a hard time writing Jimmy as not a total loser, but as someone said, it was supposed to be Lois' point of view)