Oh, Tank! I apologize. I meant to come back that same afternoon and reply but one thing piled onto another and I haven't been back to my keyboard (other than for work) until today.

This story, though, has been in my head for days.

Like others have mentioned, I wondered why Lois didn't try harder, but I agree with you that extreme cold will do all sorts of weird things to your ability to think clearly. I found her "will" and the intentions behind each of her bequests to be perfectly Lois (most especially that first season Lois, who was the Lois I found brilliantly flawed and believable as a RL person). I felt and understood her bitterness to her parents and her affection for Lucy, Perry and Jimmy. I was thrilled that, *finally*, she was able to recognize her feelings for Clark went beyond mere partnership.

And then I was torn, because I love an angst-ridden, soul-twisting fic on occasion and the idea that Clark/Superman would get there just a little too late and read her will was a drama-o-rama of immense potential. Still, as fun as the tiger would be… I'm a romantic at heart and I want her to live long enough to cringe at how maudlin she had been and try to convince both herself and Clark that she only wrote that in extremis. laugh

This was amazing, Tank. Absolutely amazing. It's simple and yet it's layered. It's a story that sticks with you long after you read it. And, best of all, because you left it open-ended, it's a story I can write the ending to in my head in any number of ways. And each time I do, I bow once again to the genius who gave me that gift. notworthy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis