Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Five days! Only five days left for Lois to free Clark. Sure you don't want to cancel your summer plans so we can see it play out in real time? wink

Definitely a jump forward in their relationship, but I'm fine with that -- they are running out of time, and even though they don't officially know it yet, I think they do on some level. Lois's gut has been telling her for some time that she needs to move things along. And now it's all coming to a head very soon!

Aside from the obvious, do you know what jumped out at me during Menzies call to Scardino? That Shadbolt is going to be sent back into the field! How do his bosses know nothing of his family situation? It just shows how out of touch both Menzies and Scardino are -- they should know this stuff. So will Shadbolt realize he has nothing to lose by helping Lois since he's going to quit or retire at the end of the project? Or will she be able to help him stay in Metropolis in some way if he helps her with her escape plan? I can't wait to find out!

An on-the-edge-of-her-seat Kathy peep