
Some of your speculation is close, some not so close.


How lovely to hear from you Michelle. And to hear that you've been reading my fics.

You make some great points. I didn't set out to write another AMH, but the further I got into the story, the more obvious the similarities became.

LOL about the names. I think of Angus as being Scottish and Neville as being English - although I know of people with both of those names here in Oz.

Happy Waiting, Happy Girl. I hope everything goes wonderfully well for you and the little one.

Laura More pain for Clark ... I'll try to keep it to a minimum. Is that OK?


we can see it play out in real time
I'm writing Trail 7 and I'm up to Sunday, so 'real time' would be about three parts a day!!

Good point about Shadbolt. It's not Menzies' operation - although he's high-enough-up to throw around orders - and he's been on leave for a year. Scardino has had this operation in his portfolio for two years - but he's never shown any interest.


Re Lois trying to initiate physical contact with Clark - it's not just about advancing their romantic relationship. She believes that becoming accustomed to human touch is vital to Clark's recovery - and who better than Lois to help him readjust?!?

Evelyn It always amuses me when a reader says she can see so many possible paths forward. I can usually only see one, and it's so obvious to me that I can't imagine any others!


25 on Sunday
*That* won't be possible. I won't have access to the 'net on Sunday!

Jen The part you quoted was pivotal - they've both made admissions.

And yeah, we've come a long way. But things started so badly that fixing them was always going to take awhile.


But how?
Lois is thinking that whatever Trask *did*, she can undo. I mean, she's been undoing Trask's 'work' since she first walked into the compound.

OK - posting schedule. The original plan was to post one more part before the week-long break. However, I've reconsidered overnight.

To thank you all for such lovely, encouraging, and insightful FDK, I'm going to *try* to post 23, 24, and 25 in the two days before I leave.

I probably won't be able to reply to FDK much, but be assured that whenever I do manage a few minutes of 'net access, I will be checking the boards.
